ISA Carstens Academy

Somatology Diploma in Pretoria

Somatology Courses in Cape Town

Professional Training in Pretoria for a Recognised Diploma in Somatology


If you’ve decided to pursue a career in somatology, you’re to be congratulated. You’re about to enter a wonderful profession that continues to advance in leaps and bounds. Be that as it may, if you’re wise and keeping an eye on your future prospects and developments, this means that you’ll want the best possible qualification – a diploma – from one of the best somatology training facilities in South Africa – Isa Carstens Academy (in Stellenbosch and Pretoria).


Quintessential Diploma Qualification


Somatology is much more than beauty therapy alone. It is a recognised branch of the science of anthropology. Consequently, our curriculum that spans three years of dedicated full-time study at either our Pretoria or Stellenbosch campus includes relevant scientific subjects.


As stated in the content of one of the somatology pages of our informative website: “The Diploma in Somatology offered at the Isa Carstens Academy is the quintessential qualification looking to have a fulfilling career in the health and wellness industry – whether locally in South Africa or abroad.”


Opening Career Doors


Our diploma opens numerous career doors and opportunities for you, from working for dermatologists and cosmetic or reconstructive surgeons, to health hydros and spas, in various capacities at product houses or the retail environment.


Focus on Holistic Health and Wellness


When you’re qualified and committed to the science of somatology, the sky is the limit, here in South Africa or anywhere in the world where any or all aspects of somatology are practiced. In fact, our industry, which holistically combines wellness, feeling good, and looking great, is one which is already enormous and still growing even further rapidly and worldwide, as more and more people focus on health and wellness that is far more than skin deep or merely superficial.


Innovative, Illustrious Background


Although our campus in Pretoria was established more recently, the same professional and high standards of ethics and education apply as at our original Cape-based training facility, which dates back to 1978.


In this same, now distant year, Mrs Isa Carstens founded the Stellenbosch academy, to which she lent her name, already recognised as an important personage and pioneer in the South African somatology training and development landscape.


Now, in 2017, we have an almost 50-year proud history of teaching, training, and qualifying students with a recognised diploma in somatology, obtained at either our Pretoria or Stellenbosch Isa Carstens Academy. The choice of campus is yours. Together, we’ll help to equip you to become a professional somatologist.