ISA Carstens Academy

Somatology Courses


Understanding Somatology Before Enrolling for Courses

In the skincare, health and beauty industries, various terms are used interchangeably in reference to the professionally trained practitioners who treat clients or patients in this field. Few people know that there are subtle, yet important differences between beauticians, cosmetologists, beauty therapists and somatologists.

Cosmetology and Beauty Therapy

The cosmetologist’s field is purely external – the use and application of cosmetic products or plainly put, make-up. “Beauticians” and “beauty therapists” may be used interchangeably, although therapy focusses on treatment, generally external, however, it can include massage techniques, which work somewhat deeper on muscles, rather than exclusively on the surface of the body, the skin.

Somatology, a Branch of Anthropology

somatology-coursesThat leaves one with somatology – so what exactly is somatology? Those in the know, including the professional tertiary lecturers at the Isa Carstens Academy, define somatology as being an offshoot of a branch of anthropology, which is so much more and more complex than beauty therapy.

Pure anthropology, as a university subject, involves “the scientific study of the origin, development, varieties (inclusive of races) of human beings and their societies”, since humans are social animals. There is particular emphasis on the study of humans that were considered primitive, by modern standards. This latter focus has a link to archaeology.

Anthropologists may specialise in various branches that include forensic, cultural, social, and physical or biological anthropology. The focus of each discipline is aptly described by its title. From this, we can gather the following about somatology:

• Somatology is a science, the science that has to do with all physical aspects of the human body.

• This science recognises that all organs and systems in the body are intrinsically interconnected, thus the somatologist’s approach is holistic, dealing with the body in its entirety, rather than treating each part as a single entity.

Somatology Courses at the Isa Carstens Academy

Without a recognised, accredited qualification, obtained after 3 years of full-time, intensive and successful study at an accredited somatology institute, such as Isa Carstens Academy, it’s virtually impossible to be employed as a somatologists, particularly because this science is so much more than beauty therapy.

In South Africa, there are two Isa Carstens Academy campuses. The first was established in the university town of Stellenbosch in 1978. Due to popular demand for recognised somatology training, the second campus was opened in Pretoria, allowing our academy to better meet the demand for professional somatology training and likewise, professionally trained, qualified somatologists.

The next open day, introducing Isa Carstens Academy and our somatology courses to aspirant somatologists, will take place on Saturday the 22nd of April 2017. If the holistic science of somatology appeals to you, be sure to attend at either campus to find out more about us, our courses and your future career.