51 Students from the 37th graduating class was awarded qualifications from the Isa Carstens Academy Stellenbosch, on Friday, 28 November, 2014 at 18:00.
The ceremony was hosted in STIAS on the campus of Stellenbosch University. Isa Carstens Academy is Stellenbosch’s only private residential Somatology Academy for passionate and creative students from around the country wishing to qualify in health and wellness. ICA has become the school of choice for many of the best and entrepreneurial–minded students from South Africa and other neighbouring countries.
The ICA Somatology programme provides students the opportunity to participate in a wide range of learning opportunities. Our graduates are equipped to work in a spa or a salon, and with the extended knowledge they gain through their three years of training, they are also employed by dermatologists, plastic surgeons and general medical practitioners. The Diploma in Somatology develops the entrepreneurial skills of our students and empowers them to start their own businesses.
The training of our Somatologists is thorough and much time is spent not only on the theory but on the practical applications to develop poise, confidence and skills in the work place. Somatology is a very personal service and due to the confidential nature of treatments, our graduates learn to engage and converse with people on an intimate level with integrity.
Our practitioners will apply their practical skills and theoretical knowledge to provide preventative treatments and to restore balance, allowing for a holistic approach to therapy.
We have a proud history as a reputable education and training institution, dedicated to improving and uplifting the Industry. In addition, we boast a very high employment rate after graduation of our students.
Isa Carstens Academy is a trusted name in health and skin care training and we offer our graduates an internationally recognised Diploma in Somatology. ICA is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a Higher Education Institution under the Higher Education Act, 1977.